Tall teen girls are beautiful, but some struggle with height issues. They will be empowered by what these tall women have to say!

I interviewed four tall women: three of these confident tall women are 6-2, and the fourth is “just under” 6-2!

If you’re a tall teen girl struggling with height issues, allow these confident women to share their wisdom with you.

From Wendy Merrill of California, 51, 6-2. Wendy owns WAM Marketing Group and is author of “Falling into Manholes: The Memoir of a Bad/Good Girl,” which has a chapter called Size Matters where she discusses being a tall woman.

When I was younger, there were no athletic role models for tall women. I was always a tall, gawky skinny girl, but when I grew 6″ in eight months around seventh grade, I surpassed everyone in my school, including most teachers, and certainly felt like a freak.

I was self-conscious and developed an attitude about my altitude that would plague me for years. That something was WRONG with me, and that ultimately I was not lovable.

Of course there were many other factors besides my height that played into this, but I focused on the fact that I was taller than everyone, and became infected with a way of thinking that could never be satisfied no matter what I did. This all changed when I changed.

Not a day goes by without someone commenting on my height, but today I take it as a compliment.

I had to learn that I am the only one that will be with me, 24/7, for my whole life, and if I didn’t learn to accept myself and adjust my attitude … well, then what? Walk around feeling less-than just because I’m not average?

In the end, it wasn’t finding the taller guy, or not wearing heels or wearing heels with a F-you attitude to hide my shame that changed my life.

It was about practicing radical self-acceptance and gratitude. The result? I’m comfortable in my own skin.

So now, I LOVE it when I meet other tall women; it’s like I’m part of a very exclusive club, rather than feeling like a freak because I’m outside the norm.

Yes, I am defined by my height in the world at large, and that gives me power.  I can either use this power for good (loving myself) or for evil (hating myself). So what’s it going to be? What feels better?

Do I want to be miserable or do I want to make the most of what I have? I love the definition of happiness as wanting what I have, not what I don’t have, so all you tall teen girls out there who hate being tall?

Hating your height will not make you shorter, and even if it could, it won’t make you happy!

From Stacey Martin, 35, “just under” 6-2, senior marketing executive, Ohio

God made you tall and you should try and use it to your advantage. I find that being tall in the business world is an advantage. I have been told that I have presence in the room.

Since I carry myself well, I come across as confident and assured. People will look up to you if you carry yourself tall.

When I was in high school and the tallest girl in my class, I did have some issues with my height.

My tall friend and I would hang out together and talk and laugh about our height. We once talked to our basketball coach about this and how we didn’t date much and it was hard to find a boy to date because most were intimidated by us.

He said something that stuck with me. He said, “You may not be the girls they are after right now, but you wait until college and beyond, the boys will not be able to stay away.”

I can’t say this entirely came true, but he really made me feel like I had such potential and that the boys my age didn’t know what they were missing.

I think from that point on I embraced my height. Another girl I knew in high school was very tall and very attractive.

However, she walked with her shoulders hunched over. I looked at that and felt sorry for her because she looked so sad and almost unnatural.

I didn’t want to look that way. I made a conscious effort to keep my chin up and come across as if I was in charge.

This was a very deliberate decision for me. I knew my height was part of who I am and it was always going to be part of my identity.

I now like the fact that I stand out from the other women in this world because I am one of a few women who stand as tall as I am.

I don’t just fade into the woodwork. There are many men out there who love tall women. My husband is only 5’9”. Focus on all of your positive attributes and you will shine.

From Kristina Weise of NYC, a public relations professional, 28 and 6-2.

Sports definitely helped because I was with other taller teen girls and I had a team behind me, to support me, and make me feel that my height was ALWAYS to my advantage.

If teen girls do not feel comfortable with their height, and are not inclined to join a sport, I suggest working on their posture, working to gain confidence, and noticing that people who ask “how tall you are” comes from an intense wonder  —  and often jealous  —  perspective.

Do you see short girls on “America’s Top Model?”  No way.

There are also studies that suggest that taller people are more successful and make more money  —  use it to your advantage.  You cannot let words break you down.

If boys are intimidated by your height, that’s on them, not you.  Most men love confidence  —  despite height  —  so above all else, be confident.

Gain confidence in the way your height alone brings attention to you  —  and that’s not a bad thing.

Work to accentuate your angles, feel good in the clothing you buy, do not hide your body.

Being tall gives you an automatic spotlight into many social scenes  —  and it’s best to smile and go with the flow.

Some teen girls complain they never get ANY attention  —  take those that ask about height as either a way for them to open dialogue with you  —  or more attention than any of your other, shorter pals are getting.

From Sabrina Sampson 28, 6-2, finance student, Milwaukee, WI

I would tell other tall women and teen girls to embrace who they are as a woman.

True, we can do nothing about our extreme height, but we can let others know we are confident in ourselves by smiling and being friendly.

It is not easy but we need to accept how our bodies are made. We are blessed to be able to walk and breathe!

We need to focus on what we do like about ourselves and emphasize that. We need to tell ourselves that no one will appreciate our height if we don’t.

We are wonderfully and beautifully made to inspire each other. Smile the next time someone makes a comment about your height and say, “Thank you!”

Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. She’s also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.